Archive for the Stock Market Category

Uncertainty Doesn’t Make A Confident Consumer

If you are uncertain as to what you should do right now to make money and protect your assets, you are not alone. What chance does the individual investor have when the governments of the world’s largest and most powerful nations seem to be in disarray and

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News on the Economy May Be Too Good

Today makes this the longest bull market in US history. It has lasted 3,453 days. The market in many ways is improving. While the recovery is still weak by historic standards, it is gaining momentum. 2018 has seen top line growth that has been all but missing

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Firing On All Cylinders or The Last Hoorah?

It is hard to find a bear. After nearly a decade of the market climbing the wall of worry, it seems that pundits and economists are nearly unanimous in their belief that the bull market is strong and will last well into 2019. It’s true that we

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The Party’s Over But the Mess Remains

The Janet Yellen Fed and the free money party has ended. But as with any great party, someone must clean up, and that clean up can be very messy. We got a glimpse over the last few weeks as to what that might look like as the

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Misunderstanding Correlation Could Be Costly

Failure to understand the unique relationship of managed futures to every other asset class could cost you a lot of money. The main objection I receive from perspective clients on adding managed futures to their portfolio is that they believe that stocks will continue higher. They don’t

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Risk Allocation 2018

Investors, both retail and institutional, have portfolio diversification wrong and it could have disastrous results. With the best of intentions, today’s investor is mindfully building portfolios on the premise that diversifying capital across multiple asset classes will strengthen and shield it during adverse market conditions. It is

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How High Is Too High?

I just got a call from one of my clients, “Hey, can you believe it? The stock market is up again today!” Yes, I can believe it and I’m excited about it. All too often over the last eight years, the market has gone up on horrible

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Is This the Great Melt-Up?

The London Financial Times defines a melt-up as a “dramatic and unexpected rise” in an asset class driven, as least in part, by a stampede of investors anxious not to miss out on the next move higher”, rather than an improvement in fundamentals. “Gains caused by melt-ups

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Is the Consumer Out of Bullets?

Sky-high stock valuations are a concern for everyone owning stock in today’s market. But how high is too high. The above chart gives one an excellent perspective of what high stock valuation means for the average investor. It depicts how many hours the average worker must work

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