About Us

Manager Bio

Thomas J. Reavis is the founder and President of Worldwide Capital Strategies, LLC. Tom’s love of commodities began in 1965 when his father’s friend Hugh Corkery, the last President of the historic Chicago Stockyards, got Tom a job as a runner on the floor of the CME. After graduating in 1970 from the University of Colorado with a degree in Political Science and Economics, Tom became a commodity broker for Packers Trading Company. In 1974, one of Tom’s customers recognized his talents as a trader and bought him a seat on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Tom traded in the “pits” on the floor of the exchange as a speculator and a market maker for the next 32 years.

In 1984, Tom became very interested in system trading. With the help of a friend that was a systems programmer, he developed over 250 commodity trading systems. Many of these systems became the foundation of the CTA, Worldwide Capital Strategies, LLC which was launched in 2010.

Strategy Description

We seek to capture outsized returns with our proprietary self adjusting, trend-following system. As a floor trader on the CME for 30 years, I was never satisfied with small profits like I see with many CTAs and I don’t think my clients are either. When attempting to generate large profits, this comes with the potential for exposure to greater risk. Our first priority is risk mitigation. We accomplish this by making a relatively large number of small, high probability trades and immediately protect those trades with stop loss orders. Our average risk per trade for the decade has been about 1.8%. We trade 24 of the world’s most liquid commodity contracts and we enter and exit positions around the world and around the clock. The Profit Quest program is a long volatility program which means that it often does best when equities are are in crisis and our clients need us most.


Worldwide Capital Strategies is a registered Commodity Trading Adivsor (CTA) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commision (CFTC) and is a registered member of its self-regulatory arm, the National Futures Association (NFA).
• An independent, third-party administration firm calculates and verifies the performance of Worldwide Capital Strategies investment programs.





There is a risk of loss in trading futures. Futures trading is not suitable for all persons. While managed futures can help enhance returns and reduce risk, they can also in fact result in further losses in a portfolio. Studies conducted of manage futures as a whole may not be indicative of the performance of any individual CTA. A CTA index does not represent the entire universe of CTA’s, individuals cannot invest in an index itself and actual rates of return may be significantly different and more volatile than those of the index. PAST RESULTS ARE NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.  
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: The risk of loss in financial investment can be substantial. Each prospective investor must carefully consider the risk before participating in Worldwide Capital Strategies' (WCS) investment programs. Investors should not open a managed account unless they are able and prepared to bear the risk of investment losses. The information provided herein is for general information purposes only and should not be construed as a solicitation of WCS discretionary management services or, a recommendation of a specific investment action. WCS does not guarantee the performance of its investment programs. Worldwide Capital Strategies has filed with NFA a "NOTICE OF CLAIM PURSUANT TO COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION RULE 4.7(c) UNDER THE COMMODITY EXCHANGE ACT, AS AMENDED ("ACT") which restricts solicitations in the United States to persons who are QEP (Qualified Eligible Persons) as defined by the ACT. Information posted on this website is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind, and may no longer be updated, true or complete when viewed by you. Worldwide Capital Strategies, LLC shall not be liable for any losses or damages relating to adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information on this website or the use of such information. All information contained herein may be changed or amended without prior notice. If you continue reading other pages of this website, you are regarded to have understood and agreed to abide by all the terms and rules on this page.
About Us April 13, 2017